Monday, December 12, 2011

Got A Facelift This Weekend...And It Only Took Three Days!

The Etsy store got a major overhaul this weekend. Let me back track a bit here and explain. I started rephotographing the entire store with my new camera and DIY light box at the beginning of the week. I was taking my sweet time about it and was going to do the revamp gradually.

Well, on Friday something kind of cool happened. Another kind Etsian decided to feature one of my items in a treasury.

Normally, I am happy and very thankful to them for using my item in a treasury despite my old, dark, photography. But with this treasury feature, I was elated! Reason being, the curator of the treasury submitted it for consideration of the team over at the blog site. HGTV has started to do features of Etsy treasuries on their web blog. How cool would that be if this treasury were featured on the HGTV blog with my item within it! That would mean some major click through traffic and maybe some sales. I went to the HGTV blog and clicked through their link to see all of the submissions and the treasury I was featured in was on the first page!! Oh, yes, I was stoked.

Link to HGTV Inspired Design on a Dime Treasury

But then I was instantly panicked. My store had all the 'old' photos still up and looked way amateur. Ugh... I didn't want people to visit my store and have it not look the best. It was then that I embarked on the three day face lift.

I am so glad that I did it. I redid all the pics and tweaked my descriptions and tags. Please take a moment to visit and check out the new 'look' of my Etsy shop.

Check out the new look by clicking here!

In the end, the treasury I was featured in did not get chosen for the blog feature. Maybe next time. I did get several click throughs off the treasury and a few from the HGTV site, which was exciting to me! I am still so thankful that someone chose my sunny little General Electric kitchen clock for one of the HGTV treasury submissions, and it lit a fire under my tush to get the store revamped.

Here is a 'behind the scenes look' at my DIY photography studio...

Seeing this photo gives me a laugh. I was probably creating some crazy fire hazard with all of those daylight bulbs plugged into the flimsy extension cord and the steamer haphazardly lying on the floor. Oh, and check out the lift for the light directly in front of the dress, its a rolled up plastic chair mat. HA! Love it!


  1. Awesome job! Those treasuries people create are always so gorgeous.

  2. The store looks fantastic! Great job.

  3. My wife uses customers as models and pays them with in store credit. These are usually the younger gen with a good look and fit well in vintage. Seems to work great as she sells worldwide. No high end camera, just a good eye and a little help from photoshop...

  4. The new store looks fantastic. Great job getting it all accomplished in one stretch! If we were on the same continent that biscuit tin would be mine!


  5. Thats so cool! I love your little studio! great idea!

    Lindsey Turner

  6. Hey Rachael! After reading this post, you should definitely do an Etsy showcase! Here is the link:
    You pay a fee ($7.00) and your items pop up in the top items in the search. It seems to work, I am sure it would work for you with all your nice new pictures!

  7. Thanks for the nice blog. It was very useful for me. Keep sharing such ideas in the future as well. This was actually what I was looking for, and I am glad to came here! Thanks for sharing the such information with us.
