Monday, September 24, 2012

A Controversial Thrift Tip

WARNING: This thrift tip is a bit controversial amongst the thrifting set (I am only kind of joking):

TIP: Shop from the rolling racks of merchandise that have just come out of the back.

On my most recent thrift haul, half of my purchases were scored fresh off of the new merchandise rolling racks. In my opinion, there is a right way and a wrong way to go about this.

The wrong way: And where I think the controversy comes in, is that some of us get a bit too excited and are like packs of hyenas ready to pounce when the unsuspecting thrift worker wheels the rack through the swinging doors.

The right way: Wait for the rack to stop rolling, ha! Work on the opposite end of where the worker is trying to do their thing. The workers have usually sized or organized the clothing in a certain way before bringing the rack out, so if you take something off to inspect it and decide not to try it on, put it back in the same spot you found it.

If you follow this simple tip, you will score the freshest merch from your thrift!

Does your thrift store have rules about not shopping from the rolling racks? Do you have an opinion about this practice? Any funny stories? Share it below, I would love to hear from you!


  1. I'll ask if I can go through the bin. I'm more of an accessory shopper. They may not let me reach in, especially at goodwills, but they will hand me something if I ask to see it.

    Otherwise you have to follow them around as they put stuff out.

  2. oh please, we are totally doing them a favor by picking those racks clean so employees don't have to. That being said, I do wait until it stops rolling, otherwise it's just tacky

  3. My favorite place to thrift is Value Village. At mine they always announce when they are about to bring a new rack or cart of items to the sales floor, what it is, and add "feel free to shop as we roll."

    1. WOW, no way! That would probably result in a riot at some thrifts.

  4. Oh my goodness. I totally want to go thrift shopping with you ASAP. This post was HILARIOUS. I am a die hard thrift shopper. I've never attempted to shop from the racks of clothes being brought out BUT I've seen people try and shop from the cart of non-clothing goods and they were firmly told NO. I am not sure I am brave enough to try...but now I want to :)

    1. I say that there is nothing wrong with asking. Ask the manager next time what their 'rules' are for shopping from the racks. Who knows, you might be missing!

    2. Oh, and if you are in the Omaha, Ne area, totally hit me up and we will thrift like crazy :)

  5. I went in a Goodwill with my friend in a different area. It was $1.29 day and this lady was looking through the jewelry tray. I started looking too. The worker got really mad and said you can only look one at a time since they have had fights over the jewelry. SCARY.
